pod 'Buglife'
pod install
Unzip it & pull Buglife.framework
into the Frameworks group in your project.
In the following dialog box, make sure you have "Copy items if needed" checked.
We need to add a few system frameworks to your project. Select your project in the sidebar, then your main target, then Build Phases. Under the section Link Binary With Libraries, click the + button and add the following frameworks:
1. Import the framework header in your app delegate.
import Buglife
#import <Buglife/Buglife.h>
2. Add the following to your app delegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: method:
Buglife.shared().start(withEmail: "[email protected]")
[[Buglife sharedBuglife] startWithEmail:@"[email protected]"];
Build & run your app; Once your app is running, shake your device (^⌘Z in the simulator) to report a bug! Bug reports are sent directly to your email address.
Don't like shaking to report a bug? You can configure Buglife to present the bug reporter via hooking into device screenshots, or manually. Check the Buglife documentation for more info.